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How to Get Rid of Liver Flukes Naturally

Parasites— How I Got Rid of Them Naturally with this 12 Week Cleanse and Protocol

Like many health issues, the signs and symptoms of being infected with a parasite can mimic other illnesses or health issues such as IBS, blood sugar disregulation, SIBO, candida, adrenal fatigue, thyroid disorders, etc. Research reveals that 99.9% of Americans actually have parasites and some live asymptomatic. After picking up a parasite, I followed this 12 week protocol— herbs such as black walnut, wormwood, clove, and mimosa pudica, garlic and pumpkin seeds, coffee enemas and specific cycling of nutrients to get rid of them for good.

Emily Morrow Garlic Parasite Cleanse

This post was published August 30, 2018 and updated October 2020. This post is NOT sponsored; this is solely a post to guide people towards healing . Since I am currently in practice, I will update this post as needed based on things that help/work.

"A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host."  There are three classes of parasites: protozoa, which are tiny, one-celled organisms that typically live in the intestines, blood, or tissue; helminths, which are parasitic worms such as tapeworms, roundworms, and thorny-headed worms; and ectoparasites, which are ticks, fleas, lice, and mites that attach or burrow into the skin.

Like many health issues, the signs and symptoms of being infected with a parasite can mimic other illnesses or health issues such as IBS, blood sugar disregulation, SIBO, Candida, adrenal fatigue, thyroid disorders, etc. Believe it or not, parasite infections are far more common than you might think. Dr. Timothy Ray research reveals that 99.9% of Americans actually have parasites and of that:

  • ~1 billion people have nematodes (roundworms)

  • ~1 billion people have protozoa (such as amoebas)

  • ~1/2 billion people have athropod (insects)

  • ~300 million have cestatodes (tape worms)

  • ~300 million have trematodes (liver flukes)

These numbers are not limited to third world countries. Autopsies, too, confirm that virtually every tissue of the body show traces of visitation by parasites.

There are a number of ways to contract a parasite. First, parasites can enter your body through contaminated food and water. Undercooked meat is a common place for parasites to hide, as well as contaminated water from underdeveloped countries, lakes, ponds, or creeks. However, meat is the not the only culprit. Unclean or contaminated fruits and vegetables can also harbor parasites. Some parasites can even enter the body by traveling through the bottom of your foot. - Mind Body Green

Out of more than a thousand species that can effect humans, labs only test for about 50. That is only 5%. Additionally, most doctors fail to test for parasites and most medical labs show at least a 50% false negative rate.

Dr. Amy Myers relayed that "Conventional stool tests can identify parasites or parasite eggs in your stool, yet this test comes with many limitations. The problem with this test is that it is only conditionally successful. This test requires three separate stool samples that must be sent to the lab for a pathologist to view under a microscope. Parasites have a very unique life cycle that allows them to rotate between dormant and alive. In order to identify them in this conventional test, the stool sample must contain a live parasite, the parasite must remain alive as the sample ships to the lab, and the pathologist must be able to see the live parasite swimming across the slide. While these can certainly be useful tests for some people, they are unable to identify dormant parasites, and therefore I often see a high number of false negatives with this type of stool test." - Source

Signs and Symptoms of Parasites

There are tons of posts out there that discuss different warning signs. I really like the picture below from Mind Body Green.


Some other signs you may have a parasite:

  • Dark circles under eyes*

  • Foul-smelling stool

  • Foul-smelling sweat*

  • High night time cortisol*

  • Insomnia*

  • Irritation, itching or picking of nose

  • Joint pain and muscle exhaustion*

  • Moodiness/Nervousness*

  • Mucous covered stool/floating stools

  • Night sweats*

  • Pale complexion*

  • Pruritis ani (itching of anal region)*

  • Vomiting*

  • None - some people are asymptomatic for years

Prior to finding out I had a parasite, my symptoms were subtle. I occasionally had digestive problems and some headaches here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary. What ultimately led my doctor to test for parasites was a low white blood cell count, out of range eosinophils and elevated liver enzymes. However, during the actual parasite cleanse, I experienced a ton of the symptoms above, indicated by the (*) sign.

How to Test for Parasites

A few people have asked me how I found out I had a parasite and how to go about testing for them. Do not make the mistake I made and order a 1 day stool test. Mine came back negative (even though I had them) and sadly many tests reveal a false negative. If testing, the best option is a comprehensive 3-day stool test where someone is actually looking under the microscope (and even then you risk a false negative). Keep in mind, not all pathogens are tested. Not to mention, parasites in the brain or ones buried in organs will not show up. If you still choose to test, your best option is most likely a 3-day comprehensive stool test but be aware, it can come back negative and you may still have them (if symptoms present themselves).

How to Know if You Have Parasites

This is tricky. Clearly, stool tests are not accurate. I discovered I had parasites through blood work analysis and muscle testing from my functional medicine doctor to confirm. Some key markers to look for on your CBC panel of blood work:

  • High Eosinophils or Eos which is an abbreviation for eosinophil. This white blood cell is primarily involved in fighting allergies or parasites. High eosinophil counts indicate an allergy or parasite causing illness. These cells are responsible for destroying parasites and cancer cells, and they are part of an allergic response. A good indicator, eos >3%.

  • High Basophils or Baso which is an abbreviation for basophils (above 1%).

  • Abnormal WBC markers; 5-8 is normal.

  • Ferritin below 40 due to the fact that parasites often feed off ferritin.

Creating This Parasite Cleanse and Protocol

When I found out, there was hardly any information available, other than general protocols with little information or how to actually make it through the process without feeling awful. So, after extensive researching and discussing options and best practices with other nutritionists', functional medicine doctors, naturopaths, etc., we created this multi dimensional parasite protocol. It finally gave me my life back! Since it worked for me, and my clients, I knew I had to share it for the readers of my website. I'm confident this post will help hundreds of others, which is why I have chosen to share all of this information, for free. I pray you can use this post as guidance and overcome those debilitating health challenges parasites cause.

Below you will find the diet, lifestyle and supplements I used to cleanse my body of parasites, prevent them from coming back and reduce any "die-off" reactions associated with the protocol. We are exposed too far too many parasites, that even a mini cleanse a few times a year can be beneficial for everyone. I, now, follow a maintenance cleanse (discussed below more in depth) periodically throughout the year and take measures to ensurer my body is strong enough to keep the bad guys away!

I want to make clear that I am not a doctor. The information provided in is this post is based on my personal experience and that of my clients' experiences. The information in this post is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure disease and should not be a replacement for medical advice. Always consult your doctor before trying a new diet, lifestyle or supplement protocol.

for parasite protocol:

Cleansing parasites through your food is natural, safe, and easy. Parasites live off of certain foods and certain foods eliminate and kill them.

F O O D S  T O  I N C L U D E

Garlic: The allicin in garlic is potent against bacteria, but also viruses and fungus too. To reap the benefits, I recommend eating a raw, minced garlic cove every day, preferably on an empty stomach.

Reference: Ankri, Serge, and David Mirelman. "Antimicrobial Properties of Allicin from Garlic." Microbes and Infection 1.2 (1999): 125-29. PubMed.Web . 7 Dec. 2017.

Pumpkin Seeds:Pumpkin seeds contain an amino acid called cucurbitin, which can paralyze parasites, and could prevent them from attaching to the intestinal wall. They are one of the greatest foods for natural parasite cleansing; aim to consume 1 oz of raw, organic pumpkin seeds every every day.

Reference: Plotnikov AA, et al. "Clinical trial of cucurbin (a preparation from pumpkin seeds) in cestodiasis." Med Parazitol (Mosk) 41 (1972): 407–11. PubMed. 8 Dec. 2017.

Papaya Seeds: These seeds have been shown to have anthelmintic effects on parasites in trials performed on rats.

Reference: Sapaat, A., et al. "Anthelmintic Activity of Papaya Seeds on Hymenolepis Diminuta Infections in Rats." Tropical Biomedicine 29.4 (2012): 508-12. PubMed.Web . 7 Dec. 2017.

Coconut: Coconut is suspected to help kill Protozoa, Tapeworms, Guardia Lamblia, and Ringworm.

Fennell Seed Tea:I did not drink fennel tea, but this is something easy you can add in that is believed to help cleanse.

F O O D S  T O  A V O I D

Sugar: Sugar feeds parasites and lowers immunity. In addition to making parasites stronger, sugary foods reduce vitamin b and essential minerals. People infected with parasites often crave sugar, but this is not a natural craving. Stay away from sugary foods if you are infected with parasites.

Fruit: Fruit breaks down into sugar quickly. It is best to avoid fruit while on the cleanse. A 1/4-1/2 cup berries or 1 green apple a day worked for me, but every body is different.

Processed Foods:Processed foods lower immunity and make it hard for the body to cleanse.

Refined Carbohydrates: These lead to sugar imbalances in the body and greater strain on your system that is already carrying the unnecessary weight of parasites. Stay away from bread, cookies, cereal, and pasta.

Alcohol: Alcohol does not allow for proper healing because it weakens the immune system.

Wheat & Gluten:Many grains, including wheat and gluten quickly break down into sugar quickly & cause intestinal inflammation.

Pork/Red Meat/Sushi:Can be highly contaminated with parasites so it is best to avoid these while on cleanse.

to kill parasites:

Any successful parasite cleanse MUST include supplements. Herbals and liver kidney support and binders are non-negotiable. Food simply is not enough, and natural herbs are often more powerful than even antibiotics. Keep in mind some parasites are microscopic; therefore, a cleanse might still be necessary if you experience parasite symptoms and fail to see any being excreted in the first part of cleanse. However, some people notice parasites, thread worms, pinworms or even seeds (eggs) after being on the protocol for 1-2 weeks.

Every parasite protocol must include specific herbs and binders in order to completely get rid of everything and maintain health thereafter. The main ingredients every protocol should include:

Black Walnut

These hulls contain natural chemicals called tannins and quinine.  These compounds give the herb the ability to expel worms, larvae and other parasites. It is known to kill over a hundred types of parasites, in the developmental and adult stages. It is used to expel intestinal parasites, worms and yeast.


Parasites lay thousands of eggs every day. Cloves work to kill the eggs, so no parasite cleansing protocol would be complete without cloves.


Wormwood is a very, very, very bitter herb. I see why parasites hate it. Wormwood is also valued, especially for its tonic effect on the liver, gallbladder and digestive system.

Mimosa Pudica

Mimosa Pudica actively paralyzes parasites and forces them to fall away from their position on intestine walls. This means that parasites can be effectively flushed from your system. This supplement is effective because it plays multiple parts in recovery. Not only does it bind the toxins in the body, but it also repairs cell membranes. On top of that, it delivers positive nutrients into the blood and digestive system. You can read more about the health benefits of Mimosa Pudica in this post.


When killing parasites, they release toxins into the body. It is imperative to include binders in the protocol so your body does not reabsorb the toxicity. And I do not recommend charcoal on its own. I only recommend and used the binders listed in the protocol below since they repair while also binding. Read why I only used and recommend the binders listed in 10 Reasons Why You Need BioActive Carbon.

Biofilm Disrupters

Parasites can hide in biofilms, so it is important to break up the biofilms in order for the antimicrobials to work and reach them. CT Minerals help with this.

Immune Modulators

I use Reishi Spore Powder for this in my own journey and in my practice. This is also available on our E-Store and under Organo Shop page.

for parasite protocol:

(please read)

Please do not order from supplements Amazon. It is most likely a counterfeit product, and you will be wasting your money.



Cellcore is a professional line of supps; by entering your email below.. you will receive instructions for how to activate your cellcore customer account. If you would like to purchase Cellcore From us, please email ; otherwise you may shop through Microbe Formulas (the formulations vary slightly)

Para 1 Actively paralyzes parasites and forces them to fall away from their position on intestine walls. This means that parasites can be effectively flushed from your system. Most parasite protocols fail to include this.

Para 2 This proprietary blend includes multiple ingredients whose properties maximize the body's ability to boost immune system function and detox. We now use this as a replacement for the Xymogen supplement that is no longer being made. It contains the same ingredients that fight parasites.

BioToxin Binder — Removes debris and supports binding of toxins such as mycotoxins from mold, ammonia from bacteria, and parasites and other byproducts from yeast, fungi, and viruses. As the parasites are being expelled from your body they have a tenancy of releasing toxins into your body. These toxins are not being expelled from your body by the Mimosa Pudica or the Formula 1. If these toxins are left in your body you can see different symptoms that we refer to as die-off-symptoms. These symptoms can include but are not limited to; Bloating, head fogginess, and rash marks throughout your body. The BioActive Carbon BioTox focuses on binding to these toxins and expelling them from your body.

Reishi Spore Powder / King Coffee - I took Spore capsules and consumed King Coffee Which contains the spores.

Bowel Mover — Necessary to keep the bowels moving and support digestive function. If you kill things off, but fail to eliminate effectively, toxins and byproducts will get reabsorbed and create an imbalance in the microbiome. You want two well formed bowel movements per day.

Para 3 - This formula contains seven herbs have their own unique benefits when it comes to immune health and detox. They work synergistically to "cover more ground together" than they could alone, enhancing the detoxification protocol. This herb combination hits hard on many pathogens but is especially geared for Strongyloides, liver flukes,Clostridium, andBlastocystis hominis .

  • Thyme damages the intestines/outer wall of parasites and also helps to fight Candida.

  • Sage is a strong antiparasitic and helps protect your liver.

  • Tansy helps paralyze parasites.

  • Holy Basil boosts your immune response and helps protect internal organs.

  • Wormwood (Epazote) helps the gut and is an antioxidant.

  • Black Walnut Hulls damage the parasites protective defenses.

  • Clove increases immune response and helps the liver.

A D D O N S (based on symptoms): I used these and they were a huge help in keeping things moving and drainage optimal

The KL support and Lymphactiv can aid in opening your pathways to allow for proper drainage, minimizing die-off symptoms and reactions.A few signs and symptoms of lymph blockages that may not be as obvious as fluid buildup but can be severe lymph-related issues:

  • Cellulite (lumpy fat deposits)

  • Painful and hard swellings (especially in neck, armpits, groin area)

  • Constipation

  • Mucus and phlegm production

  • Bloated stomach or extremities

  • Stiff or painful joints

  • Excessive sweating

  • Chronic sinus infections

  • Eczema

  • Brain fog

  • Chronic headaches

  • Sluggishness

 If you have one or more of these signs of lymphatic blockage, you can't eliminate toxins and should support your body.

Important to Note:

If you have not completed a preparation phase, I strongly advise it. I had been working with a practitioner and completed a prep phase prior to this "killing" protocol. Without a prep phase, not only may you will feel miserable during this cleanse, you risk poor colon cleansing, a clogged liver/bile duct and poor lymphatic drainage. Unless you have been working with a qualified practitioner on opening detox pathways, a prep phase is CRUCIAL to ensure that your body is actually ready to start killing pathogens and parasites.

Prep Phase - Phase 1 from Cellcore - I recommend the foundational rather than comprehensive for most people; you will have to email us to get this professional line

Prep Phase - Phase 1 from Microbe if you wish to do this on your own


For kids, there is a Kids Parasite Protocol. It includes directions with the purchase of the protocol. This is very gentle!

You can also follow the kid/toddler recommendations from Cellcore website if you wish to use Cellcore products with kiddos.

for supplements:

This "kill phase" of the protocol lasts 12 weeks followed by a maintenance protocol. Why? Parasites live in different stages, and are most active during certain times of the month, specifically around the times of the full moon and the new moon. The on/off cycles allow you to always hit at least one of these phases to kill parasites when they are most active! The maintenance phases allow the body to reach the layers that are even deeper.

Below is a very specific schedule to follow. This is the exact protocol I used and have passed onto my clients, with great success.

Cycle (14 days on/7 days off)

The 'kill' phase of the protocol is 12 weeks long. Based on severity, it can take 3, 6, 12 months or even up to 2 years to clear things out with some people. That is why a maintenance protocol and full/new moon cleanses are 100% necessary to fully rid the body of pathogens and viruses.


AM & PM Schedules

King Coffee and Spore Capsules - I used this to modulate my immune system (am coffee only)
CT Minerals - shown to break up biofilm - 1 dropperful in 16 oz water
Para 2 - 2 capsule; start low and slow
Bowel Mover - 1-4 capsules; based on bowel movements (you want 2 bowel movements per day)
Advanced Tudca - 1 capsule
Lymphactiv - 1 capsule
Biotoxin Binder - 1-2 capsules

1 hour away from all supps - Para 1- 2 capsule (take 2 hours away from all medications)

Note - Avoid eating heavy meals in this 2 hour supplement window.

If experiencing die-off, it means you need to support drainage. Up the sweating, coffee enemas and the use of supplements. Cellulite and swelling of lymph nodes is a good sign the lymph needs support, and the capsules may be necessary during protocol; otherwise, the toxins will recirculate and make you feel awful.


MegaSporeBiotic: 1 capsule per day

Cycle 2 (14 days on/7 days off) until you finish Para 1 & 2 bottles

Changes for this phase:

  1. Increase CT Minerals to 4 dropperfuls per day

  2. Increase Para 1 to 4 capsules per day

  3. Increase Para 2 to 4 capsules per day

  4. Increase Biotoxin Binder to 4-6 capsules per day

Cycle 3 (14 days on/7 days off)

Changes for this phase:

  1. Replace Para 1 and Para 2 with Byron White A-P. Available on our Supplement e-store using password EMILY to shop

Cycle 4 (14 days on/7 days off)

Changes for this phase:

  1. Replace Byron White AP for Para 3 - start slow and build up to 20 drops 2x day

  2. Add in ViRadChem Binder alongside Biotoxin Binder for viral release that can happen when taking Para 3

Maintenance - Additional 6-12 Months (during Full Moon & New Moon)

Parasitic activity is greater during a full moon period. Leveraging an increased dosage of these supplements during a full moon will help target and eliminate parasites that might be a little harder to find during normal periods.

After the completion of the 12 week protocol above, it is crucial to complete a 6-12 month maintenance protocol.

Why is the Full Moon relevant? Melatonin levels drop during the Full Moon. Melatonin plays an important role in the body, by fighting off critters so when your melatonin levels are down during the Full Moon, parasites take advantage.

How to Prevent Future Parasites and Restore Health

The million dollar question right. So how do we do prevent future parasites and restore health? It's not enough to just lower your chronic infection load. You also need to raise your mitochondrial function for true healing. Otherwise, you're likely to repeat the cycle of chronic illness, including viral infection. The key to preventing SIBO, Candida, Parasites, etc. is increasing the health of the Mitochondria and ATP and boost oxygen.

"Lab research suggests extracts of fulvic acid support mitochondrial energy production. An ample supply of oxygen also promotes mitochondrial energy production. One way to raise your oxygen level is by taking a supplement of stabilized molecular oxygen." (Microbe)

  • HydrOxygen - O2 is key for binding the free radical for making ATP also another key If you are low oxygen you convert to lactic acid (acidic condition). The Oxygen product helps in converting pyruvic acid (pyruvate) into the mitochondria process, so the oxygen does a lot of things and will help run the Kreb cycle as well. This oxygen contains extracts of fulvic acid.

  • CT Minerals - These minerals charge the cells, providing electrolytes and energy, polysaccharides to give nutrients to the kreb cycle to go, it can give carbon, hydrogen and oxygen to fuel that cycle, with extracts of fulvic acid.

  • MitoATP - MitoATP is the ultimate REDOX cell signaling molecule; nothing out there compares to MitoATP can do. You can put a drop or two into your water bottle to structure the water as MitoATP demands order and build up to 10-15 drops 2-3x a day.

The products above can be found from Cellcore or Microbe Formulas

for parasite protocol:

1. Coffee Enemas

This is probably the most powerful additional procedure for parasite removal. Many people notice parasites in their stool after a coffee enema. Coffee enemas stimulate bile flow, mechanically clean the colon and can help loosen and remove parasites from the body. Coffee enemas also reduce liver toxicity, making it great for anyone with an overabundance of toxins in their body.

Emily Morrow Parasite Cleanse Coffee Enema

What You Need for a Coffee Enema

  • This brand is good. I also used this one, this one & this one. Make sure it is organic.

  • Stainless Steel Enema Bucket - Please DO NOT USE a plastic or silicone bucket or bag; these can leach chemicals into the coffee that will then get into your body.

  • Blackstrap Molasses (optional) - I did not learn about the benefits of blackstrap molasses until my last month of the cleanse, but it helped so much with retaining. Add 1 teaspoon into the coffee before putting it into the enema bucket.

  • Organic Coconut Oil - Use organic and unrefined; serves as lubricant.

  • (Optional) Coffee Enema Solution Booster for enhanced detox support (see how to incorporate these products in the full coffee enema guide listed below:

    • How to do a coffee enema instructions and helpful tools HERE

When to Incorporate a Coffee Enema

Coffee enemas are used in other countries for cancer therapy and treatment. They are such powerful tool for detoxifying and flushing the liver and gallbladder. Aim to do about 1-3 coffee enemas per week. You may also do coffee enemas post parasite protocol during the maintenance phase to help detoxify your liver and keep bile moving freely. It also increases glutathione production.

2. Green Juices

It is important to incorporate certain greens and toxin binders while cleansing. These will carry the toxins that are released from the parasites when being killed off. I've listed the recipe for the green alkalizing drink I consumed before and after every enema (1/2 before and 1/2 right after). This drink greatly reduces symptoms of the healing crisis, something I will discuss here in a bit.

Parasite Cleanse Green Drink

Green Alkalizing Drink Recipe

Drink before and after every coffee enema and periodically throughout the cleanse to get rid of toxins and alkalize the gut.


  • 1 Organic Lemon, Freshly Juiced

  • 1 Tbsp Organic, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother

  • Organic Greens Powder - I love Supreme Nutrition & Athletic Greens

  • Filtered water- I can not stress how important filtered water is! The filter in your refrigerator is most likely not removing pathogens, heavy metals and other toxins. DO NOT use tap water.

3. Infrared Sauna to Sweat

Parasites are very intolerant to heat. Daily use of Infrared saunas can help with countless health conditions including candida, brain fog (caused by heavy metals and candida), lifelong, chronic sinus infections, gut dysbiosis, parasites and heavy metal detox. If you do not have access to a sauna, try to sweat every day. I ended up purchasing this in-house infrared sauna and it has been life changing, but that is not always in the financial budget. Totally understood! You can find a local spa that has one!

4. Clean Sheets and Towels

You will want to sleep in a new pair of sheets as much as possible. I recommend getting multiple pairs and changing them out 2-3x per week. This is one of the reasons that people have such a hard time getting rid of parasites. Replace your bath towels after each use as well.

5. Enhance Drainage

No need to recreate the wheel here. This drainage 101 blog post does an excellent job of explaining the additional support you will need during this detox and protocol and highlights what to do o make sure drainage is working well! Take a read and add in any additional supportive supplements not found in this protocol I have created that you may check he box for (such as estrogen dominance or clogged lymph).

during parasite protocol

When you cleanse your body, the toxins dislodge and the bacteria die off and release endotoxins, meaning you may experience mild detox symptoms, called a Healing Crisis or "Herxhemier reaction." This is a normal response to detoxing, as parasites and pathogens die, releasing their toxins into your system for elimination. This sudden circulation of toxins can temporarily impact your well being and symptoms of illness (sweating, fever, discomfort, etc.) may occur.

The indications that you are experiencing a healing crisis typically resemble symptoms you may feel during illness. Symptoms of a healing crisis vary from one person to another and may include:

  • Fatigue*

  • Diarrhea

  • Aches/Soreness*

  • Low-grade fever*

  • Anxiety

  • Mood changes

  • Nausea*

  • Skin irritations

  • Stuffy nose

  • Congestion

  • Low blood pressure*

* Indicates the symptoms I experienced

How to Combat the Healing Crisis

Massage, acupuncture, detox baths, castor oil packs, sauna sessions and meditation are helpful for relieving the indications of a healing crisis, especially anxiety. You may back off the dosage amounts as needed until it passes. Support the body with KL Support, Lymphactiv or TUDCA as they will aid in opening your pathways to allow for proper drainage. Also, make sure to read through this drainage 101 blog post to minimize detox reactions.

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Hormones, Nutrition, Health, Wellness

Hormones, Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Exercise, Parasite, Detox, Cleanse


How to Get Rid of Liver Flukes Naturally
