Can A Neutered Dog Lock Up With Female And In Pregnant Her?


25 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile

A neutered dog can impregnate a dog from two weeks to a month after being neutered, after which it should be impossible for it to happen.
If you own the bitch, it is a good idea to get her splayed, as this will put all dogs off her and decrease the chances of her getting pregnant.
It is best to take the above precautionary procedures as puppies are expensive to cater for, and aside from obvious things like food they will need to receive injections and medical care to make sure they are okay.
It is not unknown for neutered male dogs to still get excited if a female is in heat and perhaps is the reason for your dog's antics. Dogs will still mount the other animal but as he has no sperm in his tubes he will be unable to ejaculate and unable to impregnate her.
Neutering pets does increase the chances of them getting cancer slightly and can be off putting for some people.
The best thing to do is have her spayed and then you will not have any issues with a female dog becoming pregnant. Though it is highly unlikely that it is the neutered dog that will get her pregnant unless they have been very recently neutered and still have the ability to ejaculate sperm.

Monica Smith Profile

Actually yes a neutered dog can still get a female pregnant. After your dog is neutered there is a time frame that he is still able to get another dog pregnant. I am not sure on that time frame, I thought it was only a couple weeks. Trust me I know from experience. I had my lab neutered, and I had three females and they were all in heat. I assumed that since I had my lab neutered I would not spoil his fun. Well lets just say delivering 23 puppies all in one day is not fun at all! I have learned from my lesson.

Anonymous Profile

Looks like it's been a long time since anyone has been on this thread. Our Bubba dog whose been neutered for 9mo now has been 'locking up' w/ our Baby dog (female of course) like c r a z y!! We've even seen the clear fluid running out of her. I wish I could get a professional opinion. She's even got teets filling up. I guess we'll have to wait & see. My name is Mel so I'll come back and let you know for those who may wondering too. Today is 6/20/2K10.

Anonymous Profile

My male has been neutered for two months and now my female is in heat. They keep locking up and I'm hoping he is out of sperm. But I think Ill give a call to the vet in the morning.

Anonymous Profile

Well then I must be living proof that even after 2 years a neutered dog can still get a bitch pregnant as my bitch is well and truly with pups!
I'm going to be having words with my VET!!!!

Anonymous Profile

Can a spayed female dog get pregnant if she was in heat at the time?

Willard NOYB Profile

If the fix job was done correctly and there has been a sufficient amount of time to get the sperm out of his system there is no chance of this happening.

Anonymous Profile

My male has been neutered for 5 months now, I just rescued a female who was in heat from the animal shelter, I thought it would be ok to leave them together since he was fixed, and when I came back outside they were locked/tied up. I asked my vet about it and she said that if my male had the urges and got it right that he must still have sperm in him, and that means she is pregnant.

Michael Sambrano Profile

My chihuahua (Chico) has been neutered over a year now and I have caught him locked up with my other chi-poo at least 4 times now. My concern as with other post/replies is that my female is starting to show signs of pregnancy. I too wil follow up on this thread to keep others posted as to the outcome of situation. A part of me does want it to happen, well I guess I am 50/50 on this one.  This is Hopey and Chico

Anonymous Profile

My male has been fixed for over 6 months and he is still trying to lock with my female. He did lock with her a couple days after he was fixed and she never got pregnant. My moms dog still tried years after he was fixed. I don't know if he did but I know a lady whos male dog locks with her daughters female when she is in heat and he has been fixed for years.

wilbert u can call me sue Profile

A male will have no interest in female once neutered, unless of course has just been done. You have to wait at least a month to make sure everything clears up in his system before exposing to females. So if it has been a few months, there should be no way it can inpregnate a female. Unless operation didn't take, but this is rare, and usually only happens in humans, with humans tubes to testicales are burnt and or tied, but in dogs, whole testicales are removed

Anonymous Profile

Can male neutered dog lock up with female and get her pregnant

Marcus Black Profile

Nothing on this for a while, but my pure breed Lhasa Apso was stuck to my Pure Breed westie this morning.  He was neutered over a year ago (he is around 2 and a half years old).

We are planning on breeding the Westie for pedigree but certainly will be very unhappy if a neutered dog has got her pregnant - let alone this early in her life.  She's only 8 months old.  She "flaunts" herself all the time with our two male dogs (both neutered) and both have tried to mount her - this is the first time they've become "locked".

Anonymous Profile

Yes, but I'm still trying to figure out if she can actually get male was neutered 6 weeks ago and just locked up with my female. :-(

Anonymous Profile

Well we will see! My dog just got neutered last week and he got with my female. I like other people I thought was harmless. Now we wait! I hope it is not true!

KR- myopinions Profile

Hi again. I think it would help with getting you a more direct answer which applies to your situation if you gave a few more details and the situation as well. If you don't know already, you can click the 'leave a comment' at the bottom of an answer inside the box with the answer and a box will come up to do that with. You can also include further details in your questions if you run out of room by clicking the 'add further details' link and the box will come up in a minute (a little longer sometimes but it does come up).
Is it that you are concerned about a female accidentally getting pregnant and whether you should worry or take precautions or is it something like wanting to breed a dog with retained testicle(s) or wondering id it's possible he could get a female pregnant or something else?  What breed? How old? Where did you get him? Is he neutered? If so was it very recently? Is it that he has one or both testicles retained instead of being neutered? Are you unsure of his history and maybe whether his testicles are retained or he is neutered?
If he has been neutered and has no testicles he most likely can not get a female pregnant though occasionally there is a short period of time just after the neuter where it is possible from any storage. Neutering stops the production.
If he has one testicle retained it is still possible though there is less production and if both retained the chances are even lower (pretty low) but also still possible. A dog should not be bred if one or both testicles are retained.
If he is a young puppy under three months of age it's not really a concern, three months is unlikely but has happened on occasion, 4 months it's more likely but still not too many 4 month old sires running around but still pays to be careful, 5 months and beyond, keep them completely separated at all times with NO way to get to her at least 7 to 10 days after she has stopped bleeding and monitor carefully for signs she may still be receptive before allowing them around each other.
Lastly, females don't breed at will. They must go into season (commonly referred to as 'heat') first.
Did any of that help at all? :-)

Anonymous Profile

Can a neutered dog lock up with female

gemma pettitt Profile

My boy dog keeps gettin on my bitch nd he locks then he gets off y is this nd can she still get prengnet???

Anonymous Profile

I got my dog,buddy,neutered yesterday.Tonight I came downstairs to find them stuck together! Can anyone help with this?I think the female,sue,is still in heat and she got her injection,to stop her from having puppies,yesterday... They mated a few days ago,and I wasnt sure if she would have puppies.. So she had 2 injections one a few days ago.. And the second yesterday.. Can anyone help me please? I don't know if she will get pregnant now.. They were stuck together,will his sperm still have been in his system? And will that injection cover her,if she would have gotten pregnant?

greg gowen Profile

Just one more serious consequence of people giving viagra outside their species.

songhee chang Profile

Maybe they will just lock up with a female only a few times

samantha ward Profile

If a dog is neutered they can not get a dog pregnant.

Chinno Profile

Well that all depends is the male was fixed good he has no chance of breeding that female who is not fixed.

Anonymous Profile

Kind of freaking out here, my male dog has been neutered for at least 3 years, but we got him that way, any way we have a female who just went into heat for the first time and they have locked up twice and I must say for a male dog Chico is the horniest little thing I've ever seen. Before we got this female I always chocked it up to him trying to be dominate, but now I'm starting to worry that he's not as fixed as we thought he was.

Tiffany Profile

Absolutely not, if the dog is NEUTERED HE CAN NOT GET A FEMALE PREGNANT. I doubt he will want to try to even lock up with her at all. Thats the WHOLE POINT IN HAVING A DOG NEUTERED OR SPAYED. So they CAN NOT have babies.

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